Concentration reference cards

In fluorescence imaging, signal intensity is dependant on many factors. Besides tissue specific characteristics and pathology, imaging parameters play a significant role. 

These include: 

distance, viewing angle, ambient light, dye emission spectrum, camera system sensitivity, attached optics (i.e. scope), system settings, exposure time, digital gain.

Concentration Standards


By imaging tissue samples with a fixed standard (i.e. Absofi reference card), fluorescent images are calibrated according to a standardised benchmark, creating a true reference factor. In essence, it’s like imaging a centimeter scale!  

Our standard ICG reference cards have a log concentration scale from 0.03 up to 10 micro molar. These values cover typical bandwidth of clinically relevant values

Absofi Image Viewer
(Beta version)

– In conjunction with the reference cards, the online web
application allows for uploading tissue images
– The software recognises the reference charts and fits a
curve according to concentration values
– Tissue samples are then annotated with corresponding
– Sliders allow for thresholding, contour detection and
colour mapping
– Export to standard formats (I.e. jpeg)
– The portal is camera agnostic, accepting all images